Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Hot Pink toe nails on Girls Night!!!!

They keep turning me into a girly girl. Hot pink w/ a white flower

At least once every week( mostly Mondays), three cousins and an aunt get together to EAT DINNER, to hang out( we chat about how crazy we are), and to have fun( we laugh so much about how crazy we are). Weather it be shopping or playing nail/hair salon after dinner, we are always having a blast.

Three Cousins- Thao, Betty, and Me
The Aunt- Gi Trang aka Melissa

Note: every cousin/sister/aunt is invited to join us( and has on a few occasions) and we do enjoy the company of our better halves, but for the most part its us four.( and gi trang's roommates)

We started this a few months ago, and it has been a great hit. We get together and take turns cooking/buying dinner/and doing dishes. Whatever we decide to eat has to be agreed on b-for we leave gi trang's house that night and we totally look forward to our next girls night.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Chinese New Year Stuff!!!

Chocolate Fortune Cookies!!!! mmm........mmm( My new favorite thing. I love them )
"Focus on your long-term Goal"

Good luck envelopes with money inside to give children!!!

a dragon head to scare away the bad spirits, to welcome in the good spirits( ancestors visiting for the new year) and announce the arrival of many household Buddhas.

Just a sign that lets everyone now it's time to celebrate the festivities!!!( I think...my badd I can't read Chinese)

Happy New Year everyone !!!
May we all live a long and prosperous life with those we love.

Friday, February 6, 2009

TGIF !!!!

Yes!!! its Friday....but no matter what day it is, studying for Microbiology is on my list of things to do. And speaking of TGIF, I think I will make some Jack Daniels Wing Sauce, doesn't that sound really good, ( mmm....mmm....), smother some JDWS over some chicken and serve it with steamed white rice, (more mmm....mmm...) idk about what other side to use ( most likely a veggie) so stay tuned, my dinner creation will soon be revealed.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Trev is now a contributor!!!!!

It's all good to go...... and lets see if he is eager to share his thoughts.

I think I figured out how Trevor can blog...eventhough this blog says Trevor posted this. People....this is only a test!!!